A New Beginning
It was another September morning but a little different. Everything about that morning felt different to me. Every morning I woke up praying whatever happened between us would be a dream, I was always disappointed in the morning and the memories of us kept striking on my mind throughout the day. Every night I slept with anticipation of seeing you as soon as sunrises and we would spend the whole day with each other in your house, watching my favourite movie, ordering a pizza and fighting for the last slice and talking about silly things till the sun went down and you would drop me to my house with a little kiss on my cheek, also with a “See you tomorrow love” note on my jacket. I hated summer until I met you in the coffee shop and how I argued with you for taking my regular seat and reading the novel I had a bookmark on. Summer was over, so were we. When you left, everything felt surreal and tormenting. I cried every night and every day until that morning.
After a long summer break, I finally had the courage to decide I was going to school and face you all over again, I was ready to feel the love for you and a little ache in my heart at the same time. I was ready not to show you how sad I was and how upsetting the summer had been for me after you left. I had finally started growing stronger until one day I went to our coffee shop and saw the bookmark on the book, I could see us sitting there making faces sometimes beating each other, resting on your shoulder as we heard the birds chirping, I was lost in your thoughts when reality made a strong comeback when someone dropped something at the coffee house. But I wasn’t crying and there wasn’t any guilt of losing you. I was smiling and grateful for the memories. Then, I was back at it again, the new version of me, making the greatest effort to get over you, only you because memories last forever.
Priyansha Khadka
The British College
BSc Computing (Level 4)