An Open Letter to Jolene
To Jolene from The Queen’s Gambit
When I first saw you I thought you were one of those girls our parent’s ask us to stay away from. However, as I saw you become Beth’s greatest companion throughout her stay at Methuen, I began admiring you every day but then you disappeared as soon as she left the orphanage.
I couldn’t stop thinking about you even when Beth was busy going places with her mother and earning so much love from people. I always wondered where were you at, were you still there in the big hall of Methuen, smoking a cigarette, watching the newbies enter and reminiscing your days with Beth? I wish Netflix would have given a little insight into what was going on in your life.
When the intoxicated, weak and drowsy Beth opened the door, I filled my heart with joy once again. Yes, I admit I was missing your voice like hell. You showed up when she was at her worst and loaned her the money you had been saving up for law school. Well, it looks like it wasn’t just Mr Shaibel who went through every piece that has Beth on it. I think all she really needed was a friend, to take her hand and get her out of that world.
You’re probably the sweetest friend alive in the universe, Jolene and I know it sounds a little cliche but I want you to understand that even though Beth is bad at expressing her feelings unlike me, I know she loves you a lot and insanely grateful for what you’ve done. I’m sure she has paid you back and you’re on your way to law school. Trust me, you’re going to make a great lawyer.
By the way, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask, how exactly did you steal the pills that day?
-Priyansha Khadka
The British College
BSc (Hons) Computing (Level 4)