Dalliance of These Innocence
Did you see me?
that one time I sat beside you
hiding behind words
I knew what to say,
in my mirror and dreams, I’ve said it
like you would smile back
I’ve never looked more beautiful
just turn to me, I’m not that innocent
Shirt, half unbuttoned, I stretch my sighs
so that you’ll notice me
The way I smile, drink water and carry my books around,
aren’t I charming?
Dry lips from coffee and cigarettes
but I taste better than them
To be yours as much as you’re mine
I’m made of God, but my body dares to sin
Under my innocent eyes, the sky is full of colours
This is what they say,
those who wait for me
I see them looking at me, their desires
But I never look back
and even when I’m sitting alone
they can’t seem to come up to me,
like how I play around you
some come, but can’t look me in the eyes, they can’t touch me
but I’m good with heartless words
so they keep falling for me
Have you seen me walking in the hallway?
My eyes down, unwavering
I still see them all, looking at me
Tell me are you still unwilling to wake up?
I’ll be everywhere when you do
But I don’t even know if I love you
just that you’re a little closer to the heart When I look in the mirror these days
My pride doesn’t answer
I think I lost it while chasing you
In your moments of peace
I wonder if you think of me,
what you think of me
But believe me,
at the end of words, you want me
to see what lies under my innocent smile
You will want to betray your emotions
Kevin Gurung
The British College
BBA (Level 6)