Letter to Sirius Black from Harry Potter
Dear Sirius Black,
Out of every death in the world of cinema, yours has affected me the most and the saddest part is that there isn’t any magic wand made in this world of muggles to lessen my grief. Sometimes I wish Hermione would appear out of nowhere and obliviate your memories residing in my head.
It kind of surprises me how you made such an impact during a very short time. When I first saw you, I pretty much had the same idea as Harry but the fear didn’t last long as the fabricated layers that had surrounded you came off. Something I really adore about you is how you manage to see the good in everything. You were imprisoned for something you hadn’t even done and still, you didn’t complain because all that mattered to you was Harry.
It equally attracts me to watch you give Harry the love and care he never thought he’d get. It felt like home, from a family. I’ve always claimed myself to be pretty expressive but whenever it comes it you, it gets incredibly hard for me to put my feelings in words. When Harry and you had a plan of going off somewhere and living there, it wasn’t about the place that made Harry happy. It was you; his peace.
You and Bellatrix coming from the same family turned out to be totally different from each other and it might be something that has led me to admire you a lot more. Thank you, Sirius, for showing us what courage looks like, for giving the meaning of friendship, and for making us realize that you don’t always need a relationship of blood with anyone to be their family.
-Just another muggle who loves you
Priyansha Khadka
The British College
BSc Computing (Level 4)