To Naina Mathur from Hichki

To Naina Mathur,
Throughout my life, I have grown up around teachers like Mr Wadia who believed that marks decided our future, and when I saw you opposing and challenging the methods of teaching I wondered how beautiful it must be to have a teacher like you once in a lifetime.
When you mentioned that the students of 9F weren’t just great in their own subjects but in blaming their situations as well, I took a step back and picturized everything that I could’ve achieved had I not made excuses. Getting thrown out from 12 schools rejected as a teacher because of your Tourette’s syndrome never stopped you from accomplishing your dreams. And even when the students didn’t accept you in the beginning, you still managed to earn their trust with your magic. That is what you are, Naina, pure magic. You embraced your syndrome and labelled it as a part of you, and maybe because you loved this very thing about yourself, people’s opinions and doubts about you being a teacher never bothered you and also didn’t demotivate you from becoming one.
You had tremendous faith in your students, who had already given up trying a long time ago and all they needed was someone who could ignite a fire inside them, someone who believed in them. It was you they needed and what every student needs, a teacher who wouldn’t give up on you no matter what, someone who doesn’t know your potential but believes in building it. For me Hichki was more than just a movie, it has inspired me in a lot of ways and also made me aware of the privileges I have. Naina Mathur was a beautiful character and no one other than Rani Mukherjee could’ve given a life to this role.
-Someone you’ve inspired.
Priyansha Khadka
The British College
BSc(Hons) Computing Level5