To the one who doesn’t have friends

To the one who doesn’t have friends,
It must be bothersome and painful to watch numerous IG stories filled with pictures of a group living their day to the fullest. Loneliness might creep in sometimes when you’re reading a book in a café and do not have anyone to share your favourite moments with. However, this is not a letter about loneliness, but about solitude because in solitude, you start falling in love with your own company.
The world perceives friendship as a connection and bond between a group of people and when you build a relationship like this, suddenly your shoulder is filled with responsibilities because there is a certain someone you are obliged to share everything with. But for people like you, who find comfort in the corner of a library, and talk to puppies, friendship is so much more than just some human connection. During the days when life starts throwing gravel in your road, you pick up the stones all by yourself. Slowly and gently, you carry your own mental and emotional baggage then push yourself every day, it must be insanely tough for you to not have anyone to share the load with but in every little step, you start realizing that you are your constant motivator.
There’s always a journal consoling you in harsh moments and a plant growing and living with you. It just doesn’t meet the criteria of “friendship” the world has created, but why spend hours worrying over a connection where sometimes you have lies, betrayal, competitions, atrocities, expectations, and disappointments when you can cuddle with your pet in a rainy day and live different lives through the novels. And while people struggle to connect with their real selves and try to get used to loneliness as they get older, you are already living in solitude; your peace, and luxury, which could be the reason for you not complaining all the time about not having a friend.
- Someone trying to get closer to her inner self.
Priyansha Khadka
The British College
BSc(Hons) Computing Level 5