You and I
two innocent souls
trying to survive
in the world
filled with requirements
and criterias
we don’t want to follow
but the moment we run away
from the chaos only we smell
and a fight only we see
they call us ‘weird’
and ‘strange’ and ‘different’
they consider us as aliens
only because we have our
own beliefs
and our principles.
Truth is I like weird
I am an alien
who explores
the depths of absurdity
because it calms me
and I discover a new kind of peace
because it’s only me,
sometimes you
and a place
that doesn’t believe
in ‘majority’
but would rather
embrace something new.
a place where we find
the better versions
of ourselves.
a place where
no one forces you to like something
and do something
you are YOU
and I am ME
Truth is
you and I
we like the end pages
of a book
filled with pain
and sad endings
because the ‘happily ever after’
doesn’t excite us anymore
we crave realism
amidst the layers of Persona
we don’t change each other
but appreciate more
we expect nothing
just love. live. breathe. connect
Truth is
you and I
we’re so much bigger
than this world
that tries to crush everyone.
Priyansha Khadka
The British College
BSc(Hons) Computing Level 5