Your Present

It was you
You who started it all
Made her fall into the pit
Deep, dark and no one to call
There she was
Begging and crying
For you to take them back
All of those presents
The presents you once received
But gave them to her instead
Wrapped up nicely, in a huge box
So heavy those presents were,
As every minute passed by
Her pace got slower
Slow to the extent that
She couldn’t catch up anymore
Her vision got blurrier
Blurry to the extent that
She couldn’t see the path anymore
Her hands got number
Numb to the extent that
She couldn’t hold on anymore
But she kept on walking
The path she had to walk
You were watching her
Her struggle to get rid of those
Those presents you plastered on her
Permanently, it wouldn’t just come off
You were just watching
Mercilessly, as she fell into the pit
Her eyes empty,
Believing that this was it
Little did she know about it,
That one small present you were holding
The present so small and precious
But you forgot to wrap it that morning
The present so powerful and magical,
It could answer every calling
I wonder,
Had you given her the last present,
Could she have saved herself?
Had you not given her any of those,
Would she be here? Right now, in my place?
Do me a favour,
Next time when you open the box
Oh Pandora, gift her hope too.
-Aayushma Ghimire, BSc(Hons) Computing